VIRTUAL - Hug, Marry, Run Away Love VULTRA

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  • Runners 10

  • Total distance 1,625.94 miles

  • Total time 0354:58:27

Name Time Distance Pace Bib / Team HH's
Gareth Allen 164:17:36 859.87 00:11:27 6 804
Greg Bisset 58:15:32 239.18 00:14:36 2 224
Gavin Meakings 29:33:21 147.40 00:12:01 10 138
Kieran Hughes 34:02:31 131.48 00:15:32 11 123
Patricia Clatworthy 33:39:04 73.40 00:27:30 1 69
Teresa Taaffe 15:53:37 57.59 00:16:33 4 54
Rachael Wood 07:06:12 43.93 00:09:42 7 41
Chris Hunt 05:31:29 31.50 00:10:31 5 29
Sarah Hudd 03:54:53 22.29 00:10:32 3 21
Rik Vercoe 02:44:12 19.30 00:08:30 8 18
Name Time Distance Pace Bib#