Well Wishes Wall

Rohan Kallicharan will be celebrating achieving 100 Marathons
at Run with the Ro on 01/06/2024

You too can send your well wishes by logging into Phoenix World

Well done Ro!! What an incredible achievement. You are just brilliant!!
Love Jen xx

Jen Ayling | 23/03/2024

What a fantastic achievement, well done and welcome to the club

Jo Gwynne | 18/02/2024

Congratulations Rohan on your 100th Marathon

Brian O'Kane | 29/01/2024

Been an absolute pleasure watching your incredible journey. Great job mate.

Hayley Lonergan | 22/01/2024

Fantastic achievement Rohan, massive well done x

Babs O'Kane | 07/01/2024

Amazing achievement Rohan- welcome to the club- Nigel

Nigel Evans | 30/12/2023

Awesome running Ro!!
Congratulations and here's to many, many more.
Alice x

Alice Robinson | 22/11/2023