Gary Dixon

Here are Gary's all time Phoenix Running results

26.2 miles
04:30:06 PB (10)
Phoenix Running Bronze Wings
Event Date Time Distance Pace Bib
Are We There Yet Walton 19/01/25 04:55:36 26.2 00:11:16 21
Leap Year - Hop to it Run 29/02/24 04:48:06 26.2 00:10:59 23
PHOENIX Fridays - Retro Fridays 26/05/23 04:39:51 26.2 00:10:40 14
Christmas Advent Run 01/12/22 04:35:28 26.2 00:10:30 17
PHOENIX Fridays - Summer Friday 01/07/22 04:31:02 26.2 00:10:20 13
NOT the London Marathon Run AGAIN 04/10/20 04:30:06 26.2 00:10:18 29317
Hard CHEESE & WHINE-athon Runners Unite 06/09/20 05:08:04 26.2 00:11:45 179
100 Marathon Club AGM Marathon & Timed Event 2020 22/02/20 04:53:51 26.2 00:11:11 118
The Running Man 22/09/18 04:42:28 26.2 00:10:45 154
Breakfast Race 15/02/16 05:25:12 26.2 00:12:23 32