Jonathan Smith

Here are Jonathan's all time Phoenix Running results

26.2 miles
05:02:30 PB (8)
36.5 miles
09:51:35 PB (1)

Event Date Time Distance Pace Bib
PHOENIX Fridays - Mega Mix Friday 31/01/25 06:28:29 26.2 00:14:49 47
Christmas Jumper FRIDAY Run 13/12/24 06:13:12 26.2 00:14:14 161
Alice in Runderland 26/05/24 06:07:03 26.2 00:14:00 108
Track Wars XVII - Epic 01/09/23 09:51:35 36.5 00:16:12 22
Christmas Jumper Day Run 11/12/22 05:39:37 26.2 00:12:57 56
PHOENIX Fridays - Intergalactic Friday 25/11/22 05:04:35 26.2 00:11:37 47
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 13/11/22 05:02:30 26.2 00:11:32 335
Christmas Advent Run 01/12/21 05:42:07 26.2 00:13:03 60
Wrath of Poseidon 06/06/21 06:05:46 26.2 00:13:57 132
VIRTUAL - Christmas Advent VULTRA 2021 Virtual 012:47:24 64.1 00:11:58 V
VIRTUAL - Key to Africa VULTRA Virtual 020:28:33 107.4 00:11:26 V
VIRTUAL - Key to Europe VULTRA Virtual 019:05:41 105.3 00:10:53 V