Mike Taylor

Here are Mike's all time Phoenix Running results

3.3 miles
00:35:03 PB (4)
6.6 miles
01:01:20 PB (9)
9.8 miles
01:31:01 PB (8)
9.9 miles
01:46:10 PB (1)
13.1 miles
01:51:31 PB (69)
16.4 miles
03:02:10 PB (2)
19.7 miles
03:26:23 PB (1)
26.2 miles
04:43:53 PB (2)
Phoenix Running Gold Wings
Phoenix Running Green Virtual Wings
Event Date Time Distance Pace Bib
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 10/11/24 02:07:40 13.1 00:09:44 294
Run Forrest Run 04/08/24 02:06:11 13.1 00:09:37 83
VE Day - Military Series Run 12/05/24 01:47:40 9.8 00:10:56 68
The Silver Scroll - TweT 11 - 2024 02/04/24 01:03:01 3.3 00:19:12 20
The Invincible Scroll - TiT 10 - 2024 01/04/24 01:35:30 6.6 00:14:33 20
The Unbreakable Scroll - TiT 9 - 2024 31/03/24 02:18:12 13.1 00:10:32 20
The Indomitable Scroll - TiT 8 - 2024 30/03/24 02:22:25 13.1 00:10:52 20
The Intrepid Scroll - TiT 7 - 2024 29/03/24 02:25:15 13.1 00:11:05 20
The Adversity Scroll - TiT 6 - 2024 28/03/24 02:17:00 13.1 00:10:27 20
The Perseverance Scroll - TiT 5 - 2024 27/03/24 02:15:38 13.1 00:10:21 20
The Resolute Scroll - TiT 4 - 2024 26/03/24 02:18:15 13.1 00:10:33 20
The Dauntless Scroll - TiT 3 - 2024 25/03/24 02:11:04 13.1 00:10:00 20
The Gauntlet Scroll - TiT 2 - 2024 24/03/24 02:16:06 13.1 00:10:23 20
The Fortitude Scroll - TiT 1 - 2024 23/03/24 02:10:26 13.1 00:09:57 20
Runificent 4 10/03/24 03:45:27 16.4 00:13:44 56
There Can Be Only RUN 18/02/24 01:40:17 9.8 00:10:11 71
Armistice 'Lest We Forget' 11/11/23 00:36:31 3.3 00:11:07 126
Strictly Running 24/09/23 02:09:52 13.1 00:09:54 52
The Queen's Memorial Run 09/09/23 01:03:10 6.6 00:09:37 136
The Silver Ring - TweT 11 - 2023 11/04/23 02:13:55 9.8 00:13:36 19
The Invincible Ring - TiT 10 - 2023 10/04/23 02:00:54 9.8 00:12:17 19
Tiaras & Tutus Run 25/03/23 04:20:15 13.1 00:19:51 74
Penguin Plod 12/02/23 01:15:15 6.6 00:11:28 105
Hawker Challenge Charity Run 29/01/23 01:19:58 6.6 00:12:11 75
Christmas Advent Run 01/12/22 02:32:48 13.1 00:11:39 63
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 13/11/22 02:02:35 13.1 00:09:21 352
Armistice 'Lest We Forget' 11/11/22 01:01:46 6.6 00:09:24 77
Top Gun 2 - Maverick private CINEMA & Top Run 2 27/05/22 01:04:27 6.6 00:09:49 28
Strictly Running 15/05/22 01:51:31 13.1 00:08:30 71
May the 4th Be With You 04/05/22 02:20:22 13.1 00:10:42 24
The 300th 02/04/22 02:13:41 13.1 00:10:12 109
PHOENIX Fridays - Fools Friday 01/04/22 01:37:08 9.8 00:09:52 31
Squid Run - the Square Run 26/03/22 02:22:31 13.1 00:10:52 34
Rhino Run - Chris's 100th Marathon 19/03/22 02:24:54 13.1 00:11:03 105
Track Wars VIII - Destiny 04/03/22 01:46:10 9.9 00:10:43 106
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 14/11/21 02:09:12 13.1 00:09:51 310
Ghost Train 2021 - Halloween Special 30/10/21 00:42:27 3.3 00:12:56 33
Run by Me - Katie Simpsons 100th 31/07/21 02:22:12 13.1 00:10:51 14
Minotaur 50 Mile - Denbies Marathon & Half 2021 19/06/21 02:30:29 13.1 00:11:29 51
Pop-Up Remembrance Run 2021 13/06/21 01:01:20 6.6 00:09:20 32
Run to the PUB 20/05/21 01:31:01 9.8 00:09:14 73
Marmalade Mooch 16/05/21 01:50:40 9.8 00:11:14 89
Odins Spear 16/08/20 02:31:25 13.1 00:11:33 34
VIRTUAL - Arctic Ice VULTRA Virtual 017:24:57 111.1 00:09:24 V
VIRTUAL - City VULTRA Virtual 015:54:31 106.2 00:08:59 V
VIRTUAL - Death Road VULTRA Virtual 012:27:32 82.6 00:09:03 V
VIRTUAL - Death Valley VULTRA Virtual 021:13:51 135.5 00:09:24 V
VIRTUAL - Everest Mountain VULTRA Virtual 017:31:26 116.8 00:08:59 V
VIRTUAL - Grand Canyon Vultra Virtual 019:08:15 125.7 00:09:08 V
VIRTUAL - M25 VULTRA Virtual 019:14:10 117.8 00:09:47 V
VIRTUAL - RUN for LUZ Virtual 00:48:25 5.2 00:09:20 V
VIRTUAL - Sparta VULTRA Virtual 021:05:35 134.4 00:09:25 V
VIRTUAL - Thames Path Super-VULTRA Virtual 028:33:40 185.1 00:09:15 V
VIRTUAL - Band of VIRTUAL Runners Virtual 01:39:22 10.5 00:09:27 V
VIRTUAL - Remembrance Day Run 2020 Virtual 01:36:55 10 00:09:40 V
VIRTUAL - Christmas Day 5K Virtual 00:57:29 6.2 00:09:15 V
VIRTUAL - May the Fourth be with You - Virtual Virtual 00:34:51 4 00:08:40 V
VIRTUAL - Runderbird 5 - TiT TwiT 15 Virtual 00:36:20 4.2 00:08:44 V
VIRTUAL - Unicorn Run Virtual 01:20:27 8.2 00:09:47 V
VIRTUAL - D-Day Military Series Run Virtual 01:08:03 7 00:09:40 V
VIRTUAL - Battle of Britain Military Series Run Virtual 01:16:33 8.1 00:09:27 V
VIRTUAL - Pearl Harbor Military Series Run Virtual 00:43:25 2.9 00:14:49 V
VIRTUAL - Doughnut Dash Virtual 01:14:19 8 00:09:15 V
Spring Marathon & Half Marathon 07/03/20 02:13:17 13.1 00:10:10 27
Zeus & the Thunderbolt 19/01/20 01:30:11 6.6 00:13:44 213
Rob's Pop Up 100th & the Band of Runners Xmas Run 07/12/19 01:47:45 9.8 00:10:57 139
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 10/11/19 01:57:20 13.1 00:08:57 588
Excalibur Ten 20/10/19 01:57:34 13.1 00:08:57 93
The Running Man 19/10/19 01:57:09 13.1 00:08:56 182
Track Wars II - Pop Up Excalibur 06/09/19 01:58:03 13.1 00:09:00 100
Excalibur Nine 01/09/19 02:06:23 13.1 00:09:37 185
Excalibur Eight 31/08/19 02:03:02 13.1 00:09:22 97
One Run to Bring Them All 11/08/19 02:07:46 13.1 00:09:44 90
One Run to Find Them 10/08/19 02:22:58 13.1 00:10:53 228
Pop-Up Saturday Evening D-Day Run 03/08/19 02:22:56 13.1 00:10:53 58
Summer Marathon & Half Marathon 03/08/19 02:03:39 13.1 00:09:26 168
Space Race - GOLD 21/07/19 02:07:12 13.1 00:09:41 149
Excalibur Seven 19/07/19 02:04:59 13.1 00:09:31 71
Runderbirds Are Go - Day 5 30/06/19 00:35:03 3.3 00:10:41 21
Runderbirds Are Go - Day 4 29/06/19 02:16:28 13.1 00:10:24 21
Runderbirds Are Go - Day 3 28/06/19 02:10:00 13.1 00:09:54 21
Runderbirds Are Go - Day 2 27/06/19 02:08:41 13.1 00:09:48 21
Runderbirds Are Go - Day 1 26/06/19 02:14:25 13.1 00:10:14 21
Thames Path Potter 09/06/19 02:02:37 13.1 00:09:20 95
D-Day 75th SEA Run 07/06/19 02:03:48 13.1 00:09:26 90
Pop-Up Saturday Evening Remembrance Run 2019 25/05/19 02:04:08 13.1 00:09:27 405
Excalibur Five - The Long One 2019 18/05/19 02:01:28 13.1 00:09:15 176
X-PhoeniX 22/04/19 01:58:31 13.1 00:09:01 35
Run to the PUB 21/04/19 02:01:19 13.1 00:09:14 35
Marmalade Mooch 20/04/19 02:03:22 13.1 00:09:24 35
Ty-RUN-osaurus BONES 19/04/19 02:05:30 13.1 00:09:33 35
Tricera-TROT BONES 18/04/19 02:04:04 13.1 00:09:27 35
Di-PLOD-ocus BONES 17/04/19 02:07:17 13.1 00:09:42 35
PJ's on the Path 16/04/19 02:08:19 13.1 00:09:46 35
Movies Day 15/04/19 02:09:12 13.1 00:09:50 35
Groovy Baby 14/04/19 02:07:10 13.1 00:09:41 35
Top Run 3 13/04/19 02:09:13 13.1 00:09:50 35
Excalibur Four - DAY & Knight (Morning Run) 2019 06/04/19 02:01:53 13.1 00:09:17 119
Excalibur Four - KNIGHT & Day (Evening Run) 2019 06/04/19 02:06:33 13.1 00:09:38 119
Doughnut Dash 10/02/19 02:12:43 13.1 00:10:06 96
One Run to Rule Them All 09/02/19 02:05:41 13.1 00:09:34 186
Frozen Phoenix - Day 1 29/12/18 02:05:59 13.1 00:09:36 107
Timelord on the Thames 22/11/18 02:08:10 13.1 00:09:46 125
Remembrance Day Marathon & Half Marathon 11/11/18 04:43:53 26.2 00:10:50 362
Pyjamathon 29/09/18 02:06:52 13.1 00:09:40 67
Once Upon a Run - Day 2 31/08/18 03:02:10 16.4 00:11:06 48
Once Upon a Run - Day 1 30/08/18 03:26:23 19.7 00:10:29 56
Dark Phoenix 04/08/18 02:16:28 13.1 00:10:24 89
Space Race - BRONZE 20/07/18 02:21:17 13.1 00:10:46 109
Top Run 11/05/18 02:08:48 13.1 00:09:49 109
Grease Lightning Run 16/02/18 02:00:15 13.1 00:09:09 104
Frozen Phoenix - Day 1 29/12/17 02:11:02 13.1 00:09:59 95
Who ya Gonna Call Run 08/06/17 02:07:58 13.1 00:09:45 62
PJ's in the Park 14/05/17 01:46:29 6.6 00:16:13 118
Phone Home Run 12/06/16 04:55:46 26.2 00:11:16 86
Top Run 12/05/16 02:23:05 13.1 00:10:54 115